Terms of Service

Contracts allow for clarity on what the service provides, protection for all parties, and trust that everyone is adhering to a mutual agreement. They keep both the Be You Practitioners and all of our clients safe and allow for transparency within our services.

Be You Wellbeing Hub forms a contract with each service user that explains the terms and conditions of using our services. For clients, this is a contract that will be completed with your counsellor or Be You Practitioner before services commence. For Be You Hub Therapists and Practitioners, this will be completed as part of your joining process when you sign up.


Be You Practitioners and Therapists will all work confidentially as required showing respect and honouring privacy to all who use the Hub. 

Those who are providing counselling will endeavour to hold what you say with the highest possible level of confidentiality. The following exceptions apply:

¨ For purposes of supervision

¨ On communication of intent to inflict serious harm to self or others*

¨ On requirement by law to do so

¨ If you give permission to communicate to a third party

*If you disclose details of any serious risk of harm to self or others, I will take this to            supervision and may discuss with you the possibility of seeking external support or help. Any specific intention of harm discussed will not be able to be held confidentially.

Payment Terms and Cancellations:

 Each individual practitioner will provide details about cost and set a payment agreement that outlines when payments are due when using their service.

For those accessing counselling, if less than 24 hours notice is given for the cancellation of an appointment , the session will be charged at the full fee agreed. If a session is cancelled with more than 24 hours notice, 50% of the agreed fee is charged. We also reserve the right to cancel a session if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs and this will be non-refundable.

 Session Duration:

Individual services will provide details specifically to that service when an enquiry is made. Counselling sessions tend to be 50 or 60 minutes and supervision is 1hr, 1.5hrs or 2 hrs depending on requirements.

Scope of Practice:

Each Be You Practitioner/Therapist has a page outlining their qualifications in the ‘Meet the Team’ section of the website. Here you will find all details of qualifications held and each person’s skillset. All of our team work within their capabilities, and will only offer services they are qualified to do so.

When working with trainee counsellors, clients will always be made aware of this arrangement . All trainees are supported by a line manager and will receive regular supervision by senior team members to ensure clients are receiving a quality service.

Further details that are specific to the service being used will be given in the necessary contracts and paperwork that are completed when signing up to a Be You Service. If you have any further questions, please get in touch to discuss further.