Karina Marchant Karina Marchant

Exploring Different Types of Therapy

Exploring Different Types of Therapy: Finding the Right Fit for Your Mental Health Journey

When it comes to mental health, therapy can be an incredibly valuable tool to help people navigate life’s challenges, develop healthier coping mechanisms, and gain a deeper understanding of themselves. However, with so many different types of therapy available, it can be overwhelming to figure out where to begin.

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Amy Chapman Amy Chapman

Coping with Infertility & Childlessness

Over 3.5 million women in the UK are currently dealing with infertility & childlessness. Whilst anyone dealing with infertility and the journey to motherhood may feel that their experience is unique to them, the emotions listed below are commonly reported amongst women dealing with infertility; fear, loss, jealousy, shame and isolation. Counselling can help you to give yourself permission to feel any and all of the emotions listed above. All feelings are valid and can be explored without judgement from an experienced counsellor.

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Karina Marchant Karina Marchant

Calm School Mornings and Happy Drop-Offs

Many children go through stages of not wanting to go to school or struggling with the transition at the gate. This blog talks about morning routines and strategies for making school mornings as calm as possible and easing children into school.

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Karina Marchant Karina Marchant

Back to School

It is that time of year again where children are preparing for the return to a new class, and a new cohort prepare for their first day at school. So, how do we help our kids to manage big feelings about school? And what can we support those who are heading to school for the first time?

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